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Critiques As with most of these fun, free games lately, the ads are VERY intrusive and way too frequent. I mean come on. An ad pops up in between EVERY SINGLE LEVEL. Even if you complete it perfectly, you have to watch an ad. Well, you can click out of the ad after a few seconds, but still that’s annoying af if you ask me. I download A LOT of the games I currently play from viewing them in ads so I really shouldn’t complain about the ads because some of the time, that’s how I find my next favorite game. That’s how I found this game to begin with. But developers- if y’all are reading this, thank you for the fun and FREE game, BUT please make it so the ads aren’t in between every level. That’s just WAYYY too much. Thanks!

purchase SUV

language English

Version info As usual, small fixes and upgrades to keep you racing!

4,6 / 5

Publisher Kwalee

Stay on the road!

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